“La Cella Zero” in competition to Sedicicorto International Film Festival.


“La Cella Zero” in competition to Sedicicorto International Film Festival.

The Documentary “La Cella Zero” is in competition to Sedicicorto  International Film Fest in CortoItalia selection. This week-end in Forlì : http://www.sedicicorto.it/

Sedicicorto International Film Festival Forlì, born in 2004, is a short film festival held every year in the month of October. It boasts submissions from all over the world by filmmakers mainly dealing with short films.
Sedicicorto accepts films with a running time of maximum 40 minutes.

The Festival offers to young authors visibility, an opportunity of experimentation, exchange of ideas, and therefore improvement, leading to cinematographic renewal.

The event aims at drawing the attention not only of the several filmgoers, but also of the audience interested in the audiovisual world, within an occasion promoting the exchange of ideas.

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